Friday, December 24, 2010

Welcome to Aquariumania!

Welcome to Aquariumania's blog! Share your stories, "Aquariumania" podcast show ideas, or questions about aquariums and aquarium inhabitants with us.

If you are in Tampa, be sure to visit the Florida Aquarium ( and see their "Aquariumania" exhibit.

As a long time "aquarium fish aficionado," I have always enjoyed introducing folks to the hobby and learning from those who have been in it much longer than I have, or who have taken this hobby to even greater heights. Aquariums bring a little piece of nature and serenity into our urbanized and frenzied, homes and work places, and expose many for the first time to the underwater world.

I thought having a few freshwater aquariums was a great feat in grade school and high school. And for those of you that have one or two very well-maintained tanks or an outdoor koi pond with healthy fish, that is certainly something to be proud of. But I could tell you some stories. . .

A good friend from veterinary school had over 150 small tanks in which he kept many different species of killifish (the first time I realized what a "true enthusiast" was). And many friends in the Tampa Bay Aquarium Society ( , a group I joined when I first moved down to Florida, had just as many tanks, or more intricate set ups, marine and freshwater, than I had imagined could be kept in one's homes. And the variety of fish--wow.

Tell us about your tanks and experiences as an aquarium or pondkeeper, and be sure to listen to our "Aquariumania" podcasts and visit's Aquariumania website.

Roy Yanong, VMD
Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory, PFAS, SFRC, IFAS/University of Florida

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